Hello all!
Here are some quick updates on what has been happening in and around HPS@UniMelb.
First of all, some recent episodes of The HPS Podcast include:
Ep#6 Fallon Mody on the innovative uses of Biography in the History of Medicine
Ep#7 Rachael Brown on the role of Values in Science (and the downfall of the Value-Free ideal)
Ep#8 Samara Greenwood on Connections between Social contexts and Changes in Science.
Ep#9 Caleb Hazelwood on Scientific Metaphysics.
An upcoming episode will feature Dr James McElvenny, linguist and intellectual historian, who also runs his own podcast - History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences.
Also to be featured are two of our own - Dr Martin Bush and Professor Fiona Fidler - who will finish up our inaugural season. We'll then take a short break before returning for another 12 episodes in Season 2!
This semester we also welcome two wonderful new lecturers to our HPS program, Dr Kate Lynch - philosopher of biology - and Dr Jacinthe Flore - historian of medicine and STS scholar - both of whom will be interviewed in the next season of the podcast.
In other news, Professor Cordelia Fine has launched a podcast season of her own called Working Fathers, all about dads, families and work. All 5 episodes have been released, and can be found here.
The HPS Seminar Series for Semester 2 begins this week with Peter Seddon presenting on 'Where Do Theories Come From? An Inference-to-the-Best-Explanation Theory of Theory Building'. Further information on the seminars for this semester can be found on our website here.
Finally, expressions of interest are sought for a PhD position in the MetaMelb Research Group with Fiona Fidler and Simine Vazire. More information on the position can be found here.
We hope you have a great week.