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HPS connections at the University of Melbourne and beyond
The fun doesn't stop once you leave campus. Across Australia and beyond there is work being done in the history and philosophy of science.
The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) is an international, nonprofit association founded in 1975 that fosters interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine (a field often referred to as STS). Comprising researchers and practitioners, the field of STS includes Science and Technology Studies; Science, Technology, and Society; and comparable domains of research, teaching, and practice in many languages.
Australian Reproducibility Network
The Australian Reproducibility Network (AUS-RN) is a peer-led consortium that aims to ensure Australia retains its place as a centre for world-leading research.
This will be done by investigating the factors that contribute to robust research, promoting training activities, and disseminating best practice, and working with stakeholders to ensure coordination of efforts across the sector.
Founded in 1947, the BSHS is Britain’s largest learned society devoted to the history of science, technology and medicine. Current members include lecturers, writers, students, teachers, museum curators and private individuals. We aim to bring together people with interests in all aspects of the field, and to publicise relevant ideas within the wider research and teaching communities and in the media.
The BSHS is registered as a charity and as a private company limited by guarantee. We are governed by President, Vice-president and Council appointed by the members, as well as an Executive Secretary and a number of permanent and ad-hoc committees who manage specific activities.
Founded in 2003, the European Society for the History of Science promotes European cooperation in the fields of history of science, technology and medicine. Members of the ESHS are located throughout the world.
The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, HOPOS, is devoted to promoting scholarly research on the history of the philosophy of science. We construe this subject broadly, to include topics in the history of related disciplines and in all historical periods, studied through diverse methodologies. We aim to promote historical work in a variety of ways, but especially through encouraging exchange among scholars through meetings, publications, and electronic media.
The History of Science Society is the world’s largest society dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine, and their interactions with society in historical context. Over 3,000 individual and institutional members across the world support the Society’s mission to foster interest in the history of science and its social and cultural relations.
Integrated HPS
Good history and philosophy of science is not just history of science into which some philosophy of science may enter, or philosophy of science into which some history of science may enter. It is work that is both historical and philosophical at the same time. The founding insight of the modern discipline of HPS is that history and philosophy have a special affinity and one can effectively advance both simultaneously.
What gives HPS its distinctive character is the conviction that the common goal of understanding of science can be pursued by dual, interdependent means. This duality may be localized in a single work. Or it may be distributed across many works and many scholars, with parts locally devoted just to historical or philosophical analysis. Intellectual history, for example, serves this purpose. What unifies this local scholarship into an HPS community is the broader expectation that all the work will ultimately contribute to the common goal.
There is no distinct methodology that is HPS. Doing HPS does not confer a free pass to suspend the standards of one field to advance the other. It must be good history of science and philosophy, in that its claims are based on a solid grounding in appropriate sources and are located in the relevant context. And it must be good philosophy of science, in that it is cognizant of the literature in modern philosophy of science and its claims are, without compromise, articulated simply and clearly and supported by cogent argumentation.
The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) brings together scholars from diverse disciplines, including the life sciences as well as history, philosophy, and social studies of science. The biennial ISHPSSB summer meetings are known for innovative, transdisciplinary sessions, and for fostering informal, co-operative exchanges and on-going collaborations.
IsisCB is a website devoted to the projects, publications, and organizations that have grown out of the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, a century-old annual publication, and IsisCB Explore, an open access discovery service.
We are historians by training, but we do data-based scholarship, engage in computational history, and work on digital humanities projects. Most of our work centers on the discipline of history of science, technology, and medicine.
Our core mission is to understand and work with bibliographical data as well as build tools and platforms to curate and publish that data. More broadly, we encourage experimentation that links humanities scholarship to digital and computational methods.
We are a group of interdisciplinary metascience researchers based at the University of Melbourne.
Meta-researchers investigate scientific practice to help improve confidence in scientific claims as understood by practising scientists. Unlike other approaches to studying science, meta-research is internally focussed – but we think this has a big impact on everyone.
The “meta” in MetaMelb stands for either metascience or meta-research. The terms are commonly used interchangeably, and as an interdisciplinary research group we happily embrace this plurality. What we do doesn’t change.
Founded in 1994, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin is one of the more than 80 research institutes administered by the Max Planck Society. It is dedicated to the study of the history of science and aims to understand scientific thinking and practice as historical phenomena.
Founded in 1933, the Philosophy of Science Association promotes research, teaching, and free discussion of issues in the philosophy of science from diverse standpoints. To this end, the PSA engages in activities such as: the publishing of periodicals, essays and monographs; sponsoring conventions and meetings; and awarding prizes for distinguished work in the field.​
PSA Journal
Welcome to the Editorial pages of the journal Philosophy of Science, the official journal of the Philosophy of Science Association.
Since its inception in 1934, Philosophy of Science, along with its sponsoring society, the Philosophy of Science Association, has been dedicated to the furthering of studies and free discussion from diverse standpoints in the philosophy of science.
Philosophy of Science is published five times per year. The four regular issues are dated January, April, July, and October of each year. The December issue contains the PSA conference Proceedings.
The School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne.
When you join our School, you will be among award-winning academics who are passionate about their research-inspired teaching. You’ll engage with ideas that sit at the heart of what it means to be human beings who live and have lived in complex societies. You’ll discover bold, new ideas about fundamental research by our academics and students alike.
Whether it’s a passion for learning about the past or about ethics, a desire to explore archaeology or the history of science, there’s so much to discover with us.
Forum is co-created by staff and postgraduate students from across the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies (SHAPS) at the University of Melbourne.
Forum aims to provide a digital home for SHAPS public-facing research and other activities, featuring news and commentary on the research and teaching happenings across the School.
It offers our students an opportunity to enrich their experience by participating in the life of the School more fully, building relationships with academic staff and fellow students, and taking part in public conversations about our work. Forum also offers a platform for showcasing the best work produced by our students, at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Wellcome improves health for everyone by funding research, leading policy and advocacy campaigns, and building global partnerships.​
Collaborative research that involves a diverse range of people from different fields of interest is key to progress in health science – and to achieving our aim of fostering a healthier, happier, world.
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